If you have not yet received a message from the lender regarding your application, you may click "Get an Update." This will redirect you to SeekCap's customer support email, through which you can send in your inquiry. You may also get in touch directly with the lender through their customer support hotlines or email address.
Maaari mo rin i-click ang "Get an Update" button at ikaw ay mare-redirect sa aming Customer support team sa pamamagitan ng email para ma-ipadala ang iyong inquiry tungkol sa status ng iyong loan application. Maaari din kayong makipag-ugnay sa mga lender sa pamamagitan ng pagtawag sa kanilang Customer Service hotline o pag-email sa kanilang customer support.
1 comment
Panu po malalaman kung approved or decline .
Almost 1month na kase application q pero wala update
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